We enjoyed a lovely dinner with the Cohen Lab to wrap up the summer, thanks Sarah and Graham for having us.
Author: Sarah Monroe
Maria is a PREP student in the Diering Lab, she will be here for the coming year. We’re looking forward to working with you!
We are proud to announce that this year we have had our first two publications, both a data paper and a review! Julia’s data paper collaborates with the Zylka Lab on a mouse model exhibiting mania- and anxiety-like behavior. Shenée and Sarah’s review paper addresses the roles of Homer1 and mGluR5 in sleep drive. They are both available via our publications page.
The Diering Lab also welcomes Sean Gay to our lab! Sean is a BBSP Student planning to become a fully-fledged member of the Neuroscience Department soon.
This rotation we are welcoming Brandon Le and Sean Gay to the lab! Brandon will be characterizing gene expression in the context of differential sleep phenotypes. He will be using total RNA seq as well as targeted qPCR of sleep implicated transcripts. Sean will be assessing the affects of anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol on sleep related protein expression. He will work in-vitro with cultured neurons.
Congratulations to our former research technician Bradley Allf for winning 1st place in The Society for Neuroscience 2018 Brain Awareness Video Contest! This video aims to showcase the synaptic homeostasis hypothesis in an accessible format. Many painstaking hours of stop motion animation went into these 5 minutes… enjoy!
Last month the Diering Lab participated in our first poster session for BBSP graduate students. PhD candidates will be doing rotations in labs around the department, this poster was a quick overview of our lab’s focus and directions. See it hanging up in the 5th floor hallway of MBRB!